LAB’SCIENCE is convinced that gender equality and professional equality between women and men are essential factors for social progress and sustainable performance.
In addition, if equal remuneration for women and men is one of the foundations of professional equality, other strong equally challenges are borne by the members of the LAB’SCIENCE network: mix of professions, key positions and management, balance of life times, evolution of mentalities, with the fight against gender stereotypes, against sexist behavior, discrimination and violence.
The integration of young people, job seekers and workers with disabilities is one of our key words in order to eliminate social exclusion. Women are also well represented in the company, in positions of high responsibility and do not suffer from a pay gap with an equivalent function to men.
All these actions in favor of Diversity result from the will of the women and men of the company to move forward together while respecting the common values that form the identity of the LAB’SCIENCE network; Find our values by clicking here
In a logic of continuous improvement, we have created our own internal training service @LAB’SCIENCE Academy.
Our goals:
We attach great importance to the right balance between the private and professional lives of our employees. The company adapts as much as possible to the requirements of part-time, flexible working hours, etc.
Here are some positions currently available at LAB’SCIENCE. Do not hesitate to send us a spontaneous application to apply for any other position.
Submit your spontaneous application;
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